WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the funding availability of approximately $43 million in grants to help reemploy dislocated workers most affected by the economic and employment fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.
Administered by the department’s Employment and Training Administration, the department will award funds through Comprehensive and Accessible Reemployment through Equitable Employment Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grants. These grants will focus on workers from historically marginalized communities or groups, and those unemployed for an extended period or who have exhausted unemployment insurance or other pandemic unemployment insurance programs.
“As more Americans rejoin the labor force and economy continues its recovery, we are acting now to invest in the public workforce system to advance strategies critical to ensuring an equitable national recovery in which more workers transition to suitable, safe, good-paying work and employers’ businesses return stronger than before,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment Training Suzi LeVine.
CAREER National Dislocated Worker Grant applicants may choose one of two types of required grant activities. They can choose to focus on the delivery of comprehensive workforce services – including career, training and supportive services – to help participants gain employment. Applicants may also choose to use funds to purchase, build or expand virtual technology platforms, software systems, or services for job search, career guidance, training or other allowable activities.
Supported by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, National Dislocated Worker Grants offer resources that provide flexibility to states and communities in response to and recovery from events that cause widespread unemployment.
Learn more about applying for CAREER National Dislocated Worker Grants.