Who: U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Montana Safety Services Council
What: OSHA Safety Alliance
Background: OSHA and the Montana Safety Services Council have established a two-year alliance to maintain a voluntary cooperative relationship between the two organizations to communicate on enforcement, regulatory and outreach initiatives. On Jan. 20, 2023, OSHA Area Director Art Hazen and MSSC Executive Director Greg Rodifer and Director Brandon Beck met to formalize the program.
The alliance also provides a framework for information sharing and technical discussions between MSSC members, OSHA personnel, and industry safety and health professionals through guest speakers, exhibits, conferences and joint training events.
The Montana Safety Services Council is a not-for-profit educational association that provides safety and health related services to more than 130 businesses in all areas of service including manufacturing, construction, medical, retail, wholesale, transportation, and refining throughout Montana and Wyoming.
The OSHA Alliance Program enables organizations to enter voluntarily into a cooperative relationship to raise awareness of OSHA’s initiatives, outreach, communications, training and education.
Quote: “To effectively prevent injuries, illnesses and fatalities, OSHA will use all of its available tools and strategies to help workers end their shifts safely,” said OSHA Area Director Art Hazen in Billings, Montana. “Through this alliance, OSHA and the Montana Safety Services Council will continue to work together to provide resources and promote the delivery of safety and health training throughout Montana.”
Learn more about OSHA.