Who:               U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration

North Dakota Safety Council

What:             Alliance renewal

Background: On July 10, 2023, OSHA’s Bismarck Area Office Director Scott Overson and North Dakota Safety Council Executive Director Chuck Clairmont renewed an alliance that provides employers and workers with information, training resources and guidance on preventing workplace hazards. The alliance focuses on common hazards found in North Dakota’s trenching and excavation, construction, grain-handling, warehousing and oil and gas industries. The alliance is now in effect for 5 years.

First signed in February 2020, the alliance continues to develop training and education programs using injury, illness and hazard exposure data to help protect North Dakota workers to identify areas of emphasis for alliance awareness, outreach and communication activities.

Alliance participants will continue to share information on OSHA campaigns that encourage workplace safety and will promote understanding of workers’ rights and employers’ responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

The OSHA Alliance Program enables organizations to enter voluntarily into a cooperative relationship to raise awareness of OSHA’s initiatives, outreach, communications, training and education.

Quote: “Education and training are a fundamental part of helping employers to create safe and healthy workplaces and for workers to recognize and avoid hazards. OSHA works closely with industry groups to supply the resources needed to make sure consistent messages are being communicated,” explained OSHA Area Director Scott Overson in Bismarck, North Dakota. “Alliance partnerships enable us to work together with industry employers and stakeholders to share resources to make workplaces safe for all involved.”

Learn more about OSHA.

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