Who: Wage and Hour Division
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What: Assistance and enforcement action in Arkansas after December 2021 tornadoes
When: Ongoing
Where: Northeast Arkansas
Background: The department’s Wage and Hour Division and Occupational Safety and Health Administration response teams are in the area affected by tornadoes on Dec. 10, 2021, to remind workers of their rights and to make sure employers understand their responsibilities when it comes to paying workers properly, and remind them of their responsibility for their workers’ safety and health.
In-person assistance is ongoing and a virtual outreach event is scheduled for today. OSHA enforcement actions are ongoing, and Wage and Hour enforcement actions begin Jan. 10.
Attend the virtual event at 1 p.m. CST today or call 202-735-3644, Code: 676497763#
Learn more about the Wage and Hour Division.
Learn more about OSHA.