Today, NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo and Chairman Lauren McFerran released the following message:
On behalf of our dedicated career staff and the public we serve, we thank all of those who contributed to the increased appropriation for the National Labor Relations Board in the 2023 omnibus bill. After receiving the same appropriation since 2014, Congress funded the NLRB at $299.224 million for 2023—an increase of $25 million.
This much-needed infusion of funding comes during a surge in cases for the Agency. In Fiscal Year 2022, total case intake at the Field Offices increased 23%— the largest single-year increase since FY1976 and the largest percentage increase since FY1959. Similarly, the number of cases submitted to the Board Members increased 13% from FY2021 to FY2022.
At the same time, staffing has fallen drastically at the NLRB. Overall Agency staffing levels have dropped 39% since FY2002 and staffing in Field Offices has shrunk by a full 50%.
While we had hoped for a greater increase that would allow us to fund all of the Agency’s pressing needs, this appropriation will make a significant difference for the Agency, our valued employees, and the public we serve. The additional resources will enable us to absorb much of the inflationary increases in non-labor expenses and fund the anticipated 2023 annual pay increases without the need for furloughs, which we had recently advised appropriators would likely be necessary absent an increase in the NLRB’s appropriation. It is expected that it will also allow for some limited hiring and critical IT system maintenance.
With the additional funding, the National Labor Relations Board will continue to uphold our Congressional mandate of promoting collective bargaining and safeguarding employees’ rights to organize, engage with one another to seek better wages or working conditions, and choose whether or not to have a collective bargaining representative negotiate on their behalf with their employer.