WASHINGTON – U.S. Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su today met with Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Pierluisi and other workforce leaders and stakeholders to discuss how the department can align systems, strengthen partnerships and leverage resources to connect workers to good jobs in critical in-demand industries.
Deputy Secretary Su’s visit is the latest demonstration of the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to support Puerto Rico’s long-term recovery and renewal.
“The U.S. Department of Labor’s investments in training and collaborative initiatives with public and private employers and labor will help Puerto Rico connect trained workers with the employers who need them,” said Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su. “Workers in Puerto Rico deserve equitable access to good jobs and this visit builds on the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to deliver on the vision of creating jobs where workers are paid wages that allow them to support their families and where they feel safe, secure and empowered.”
Deputy Secretary Su discussed the administration and the department’s prioritization of improving federal, state and local workforce partnerships to create opportunities for workers in Puerto Rico, while meeting the needs of employers. During her meeting with the governor, the Deputy Secretary also emphasized the need for cross-agency collaboration – among federal agencies as well as between Puerto Rico’s governmental agencies – for an all of government approach to deliver on the good jobs vision.
In addition to the meeting with Gov. Pierluisi, Deputy Secretary Su also visited Luma College to learn how they have leveraged labor management partnerships and developed registered apprenticeships to build talent pipelines for people on the island. The Deputy Secretary also met with workforce training providers to discuss implementation of successful workforce strategies at the local level.