Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Data Users Conference (Mid-Atlantic Region)
William Beach, Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Terance Rephann, Regional Economist, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service
Jeffrey Hill, BLS Associate Commissioner, Office of Prices and Living Conditions
David Talan, BLS Division Chief, Administrative Statistics and Labor Turnover
Michael Wolf, BLS Division Chief, Occupational Employment Projections
The conference will review publicly available labor market data and provide insight on how the data can be used to analyze the U.S. economy.
BLS is working closely with the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the Virginia Employment Commission to bring together expert economists who will shed light on the labor market changes taking place in these unique times.
Conference discussions will include:
– Actions taken by the BLS to continue to deliver gold standard data for public use.
– The pandemic’s impacts on Virginia’s economy and the nation.
– Inflation and price changes.
– Changes in job openings, hirings and separations.
– Future employment projections and the impact of the pandemic.
A question and answer session will take place at the end of the conference.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
9 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. EDT
Online WebEx conference
Register to attend by 4 p.m. on April 19, 2022.
After registration, a WebEx invitation to attend will be sent.